Quickly Get Started With Microsoft Teams

6 Steps to Quickly Get Started with Microsoft Teams

About the Authors
Aaron Aude

Aaron Aude

Centric Alumni | Healthcare and Life Sciences

Aaron is one of three authors of our ebook “Go Beyond Email with Office 365: How to Drive Adoption of a Collaborative Digital Workplace.” During his career, he has helped people work better together in many different companies across the U.S. and abroad. Aaron has had the opportunity to develop applications, design and architect solutions and help direct venture capital into innovative ideas. He got his start in technology working out how to capture and calculate cardiac output in American lobsters.

Joe Hartsel

Joe Hartsel

Practice Lead | National Modern Workplace

Joe is one of three authors of our ebook “Go Beyond Email with Office 365: How to Drive Adoption of a Collaborative Digital Workplace.” An experienced IT and business consultant who focuses on helping organizations improve communication, collaboration, and productivity by aligning business drivers with technical solutions. A Microsoft Certified Sales Specialist and Technical Sales Specialist for Office 365 and SharePoint, Joe focuses on helping organizations increase employee engagement and maximize benefits.

Michael McNett

Michael McNett

National Co-Lead | Modern Workplace

Michael focuses on helping organizations become more productive and gaining a competitive edge by improving their teamwork and collaboration capabilities. By taking a business and people-first approach, Mike partners with clients to guide them through steps that will help them increase their employee engagement and return on investment.

Mike has nearly 30 years of experience in building and leading teams and organizations while an Officer in the United States Army (1983-2012) where he served in a variety of leadership and technical positions including being the Director of the Continental United States Theater Network and Operations Security Center and the Chief Information Officer of both the National Defense University and the United States Military Academy. Since 2012, Mike has been a senior IT consultant in the Columbus, Ohio area, advising clients on how they can improve their collaboration and communication capabilities by ensuring their projects are well-governed and aligned to their business goals and objectives.

How Microsoft Teams Can Keep Your Business Running in a Remote Environment

How Microsoft Teams Meets Teleworking Needs for Government Agencies

How to Maintain a Productive, Connected Culture When Transitioning to Remote Work

6 Steps to Quickly Get Started with Microsoft Teams

Your guide to navigate what’s next.

Our digital-first vision, Business Anywhere, provides a blueprint for building more resilient organizations. When businesses are fully enabled digitally across all channels and mediums, customers, vendors and suppliers enjoy seamless, online interactions. Employees can work anywhere, anytime. And talent is wherever you can find it–as long as you have tools to tap it, the policies to channel it, and the culture to enable it.

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